The days of the shadow cyborg some origami fan fiction by Gavin

Chapter1 the arrival by Gavin One day a meteor fell from the sky. Well it really was an origami finger puppet. It said Hello my name is Saber. Then my origami guys (Spock Yoda and Galen Marek) which are the editors for the story said the origami king has arrived. I was shocked to see this. Later I brought Saber to my house then he said he would tell me a story after he met the origami guys. After he met them all he told me close there ears. Then he would tell me the great story on how origami was really made and the return of the greatest origami villain that ever existed. chapter 2 The origami trio by Saber two thousand years ago there where three pieces of magic origami paper a wonderful origami master named Ryo. He created Saber a cyborg and a wizard. They were called the origami trio Saber was kind the cyborg was smart and the wizard was crafty. After Saber had created the origami force the wizard who was now named dark Saber tried to steal the origami force. He did it. Then he created the dark force and shot the cyborg. The blast had used all of his life energy. Then dark Saber died. Then the shadow cyborg shot Ryo. The origami war chapter 3 by Saber: Saber had wondered why he did that. So he asked the cyborg his question. THE DARK FORCE CONSUMED ME ! said the cyborg who was now named shadow cyborg ! Saber and the cyborg battled for 1,500 years then saber found weaknesses in the cyborg’s strategy then Saber casted his best friend out to never to be seen again. Chapter 4 the return of the shadow cyborg by Saber through a vision. Somewhere in Africa: Hmm where is that origami I heard said Jacob Minch. Then the cyborg fell from the sky. They plotted and plotted then the cyborg showed the vision of me and Gavin watching a vision of them! I quickly ended the vision. Chapter 5 The start of a struggle. by Gavin about 2 weeks after the message Saber said that he must enter his chrysalis to become the chosen one that is destined to save the origami universe it would take a day but he needed to have all of the origami guys use their powers all at the same time. When they did and Saber was in his chrysalis Jacob and the cyborg with the origami troopers and droids my al of my origami guys attacked his troops and droids but the cyborg went after Sabers chrysalis I went after the cyborg with my Yoda it used the force to get the cyborg away from Saber I knew this was gonna be a long day. Chapter 6 the end. Finally after the end of the day came Saber rose from his chrysalis and shot the cyborg. Then the cyborg got bigger and bigger until there was a hole in my house great time for my mom to come in huh !?? When she came her princess Leia tried to battle the cyborg but the cyborg smashed her princess Leia who barely survived. Then Jacob did the impossible his eyes which used to be yellow turned brown. Then he ripped the cyborg in half. Since then Jacob was not evil and was part of the OSFC (origami super folder club ). The end.

7 Responses to The days of the shadow cyborg some origami fan fiction by Gavin

  1. Yoda says:

    Picture of saber I must see! For years I have been waiting for chosen one. An awesome story he will make. Chapter 2 I cannot wait for,
    Jackson’s Comment: Will Saber be one of your official origami in further stories on my site?

    • Yes Saber will be in some of my stories and please put him in future stories on your site and yes he is an official character so you can put him on origamiyodaclubawesomeness2.

  2. The powers of Saber amazingly differ than both mine and Yoda’s combined he has every origami peoples powers and he also created the origami force.

  3. Yoda says:

    Chosen one he truly is.

  4. Yoda says:

    Story all Origami know, the story of the Origami Trio is.

  5. Pingback: The Story of Saber: The Chosen One | Origami Marvel, DC, Star Trek, and Star Wars

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